17 rue Flandres Dunkerque , 44000 Nantes
tel: 07 68 65 53 58
Claire Pougnet
Graduated from the Institut des Hautes Etudes d'Ostéopathie (IdHEO) in 2017, I carried out various replacements over the year 2017 - 2018 then I joined the Riaillé osteopathy practice (44440) in 2018, where I continues to work currently, in addition to my installation at the Nantes-Graslin office.
Since obtaining my diploma, I have been keen to continue training in order to gain in efficiency, to be able to address a wide range of symptoms and pathologies.
Here is an overview of the different training courses that I have been able to carry out since 2017:
Infant Tissue Approach
Tissue approach of the pregnant woman
Installation of K-taping
Fasciatherapy training
University Diploma in Physionutrition
Based on these teachings, my practice has changed over the years.
In consultation, I favor so-called "soft" techniques but I adapt each technique according to the reason for consultation, the patients and their history.
Studies & Training
Graduated from the Institute of Advanced Studies in Osteopathy (IdHEO) - Nantes
University Diploma in Clinical and Biological Physionutrition - University of Grenoble Alpes
Others formations
2020 Infant - Nantes
2019 Pregnant woman - Nantes
2019 Fasciatherapy - TMG Concept Paris
2017 K-taping - Bordeaux